Connection Fees
Contract Term
Fast Churn
New Connection
Early Term Fee
30 Days
6 Months
12 Months
24 Months
Promise to you:
We will
connect you to the fastest speed available at your exchange at time of
- 10 email addresses and generous 100Mb of web/mail storage
- Uploading of data is not counted
- Great for users who recieve a vast
amount of emails, download large amounts of data and suitable for use on
mulitmedia rich sites and gaming
- Connection Fee doesnt include modem.
- When you exceed your allowance your connection will be shaped for the
remainder of the month.
- In the case of the 1Terabyte Accounts we may
shape you once you exceed 1000Gb
- We do a variety of Modems please ask
We will
connect you the fastest port that is available on all Telstra Exchanges. We
do not offer naked dsl.
- You will still need to have a phone line
(as stated above)
Peak & On Peak:
- Our plans do
not have a peak / off peak quota unlike other providers.
- You can feel
free to use your generous quota when you want to, not when you can.
- P2P is not shaped unless you exceed your
allowance, however if you take the 3g redundancy option,
P2P is
not recomended whilst your using the 3g option, due to cost
- Monthly access
charges are billed monthly in advance. Payment options are Paypal, or Credit
Card only.
- Late payment fee of $15.00 appiles to any payment not recieved by
the due date.
- Payments
by Credit Card and Paypal will incur a 2% charge to defray costs.